Monday, July 21, 2008

96 degrees and rising

What do you do with two 1-year olds when it's just too hot to go to the park or even get into the car and drive somewhere?

How about fill a few solo cups full of ice and sit on the deck?


Cheryl Lage said...

Adorable! (And clever antidote to the insane heat!) We were at 100 here today, too. :(

Harris Boys said...

I hear ya...I had lunch outside today in my work clothes...I was was 93 here...TOO hot!!!

my boys love ice too...I think it feels nice on their new molars popping thru :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

looks like fun to me!!!

Megs said...

Ha-larious! i love it. My car was like an oven when i left work. i say good decision not to drive anywhere!

Amy Bennett said...

It is all about the simple things in life! Gosh....I haven't seen or heard from you in over a year now! I think you might have been early in your pregnancy when I last saw you!

Sara said...

I left you an award over on my blog so check it out:-)

Love the pics of the girls. So cute!!