Monday, August 25, 2008

To my sister-in-law, on her birthday

Dear Karolyn,

Happy Birthday to you!! You are so special and amazing in every way, and I feel so honored and blessed to be in your family. Thank you so very much for always showing so much love to me, to Joey, and to Anna and Margaret. How lucky they are to have an aunt who loves them so very much. We are missing you always, thinking and praying for you today, and looking forward to seeing you in just a few days.

As always, we were late in getting your birthday card and gift in the mail - and so Anna and Margaret decided to make you a little e-card to brighten your day.

We love you!!!!

Joey, Katie, Anna and Margaret


Cheryl Lage said...

What a special Auntie! :)
(and what a special sister in law YOU must be!)

Happy Birthday, Karolyn!

Karolyn said...

Thank you so much.... sniffle, sniffle! What a wonderful, thoughtful, family you are to me! Love you all so much. Can't wait to see you in a few days!

Harris Boys said...

what a sweet post. hope your sil has a wonderful day!

Linda said... sweet!!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

awww katie, what a sweet and heartfelt post. we are always late getting cards and gifts int he mail too. and i would blame the fact that i have 1 year old triplets and a 12 year old, but it happened long before they came along.. i love the pictures and happy birthday to karolyn!