Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rock Out!


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

katie, i know i just posted about how gorgeous your girls are...but really, they are just so beautiful! i love their different styles of rocking - so cute! and the blowing kisses? awwww!

Cheryl Lage said...

They are so fun! It'll be fun to see how their dance methods very in the future...they do have a very different approach to "rockin'!"

Darling, darling. :)

Karolyn said...

How incredibly cute! Of course made Joel and I totally laugh! Anna is so good at rocking... and well, Margaret is just spastic!!!! They are perfect!

The Wilsons said...

They are so adorable. They're getting so big! Super cute video!

BuckeyeBundle said...

LOVE IT! Isn't it so cool to see them approach the same thing in different ways. I beginning to notice this with my girls and they are only 7 months, so I'm sure you see it all of the time. Just SO COOL!

and ps...I totally was like "Who is cherith cutestory?" ....then I saw it was you and it made me happy! :) thanks!